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Fun­dusz pożyczkowo-poręczeniowy

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

VI Ogól­no­pol­skie Forum Ini­cja­tyw Pozarządowych

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

ROWES — aktywizacja

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

ROWES — orga­ni­za­cje pozarządowe

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

ROWES — pożyczki

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

ROWES — spół­dziel­nie socjalne

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

ROWES — budo­wa­nie współpracy

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Dobre prak­tyki eko­no­mii spo­łecz­nej w wał­brzy­skim
(Audy­cja PR Wrocław)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Fun­da­cja „Mer­kury” – (2010)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Fun­da­cja „Mer­kury” – (2011–1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Fun­da­cja „Mer­kury” – (2011–2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Fun­da­cja „Mer­kury” – part­ner­stwo trans­gra­niczne (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Fun­da­cja „Mer­kury” – part­ner­stwo trans­gra­niczne (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.


Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Dol­no­ślą­ska Sieć Doradz­twa Poza­rzą­do­wego (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Dol­no­ślą­ska Sieć Doradz­twa Poza­rzą­do­wego (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – dzia­ła­nia straż­ni­cze (2009)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – działania strażnicze (2011)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – Inku­ba­tory NGO (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – Inku­ba­tory NGO (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – Inku­ba­tory NGO (3)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOPSTOP dla samorządów

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (3)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (4)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (5)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – zapro­sze­nie do współ­pracy (6)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – eko­no­mia spo­łeczna (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – eko­no­mia spo­łeczna (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – part­ner­stwo trans­gra­niczne (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

DFOP – part­ner­stwo trans­gra­niczne (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OCWIP – usługi ośrodka (1)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OCWIP – usługi ośrodka (2)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OCWIP – pro­jekt dla głuchych

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OCWIP – eko­no­mia społeczna

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OFOP – razem można więcej

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

OFOP – 12 postulatów

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.


Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.


Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (ver­sion 9 or above) is requ­ired to play this audio clip. Down­load the latest ver­sion here. You also need to have Java­Script ena­bled in your browser.

Mapa ośrodków wspierania